Ancestral Lineage Healing session

Ancestral Lineage Healing addresses lineal traumas that have been passed down for generations. This profound work heals our descendants, our ancestors, and ourselves... to live our lives in freedom, joy and actualization of our potential.

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Product Description

Ancestral Lineage Healing with Licia Berry


From an indigenous perspective, we are carrying our ancestry in our bodies, and we come in through the ancestral lines and pick up anything that is unresolved by those who came before us, like walking through a spider web.

In the old times, when a village/tribal member walked on (died), the medicine person of the tribe would go into the other worlds to make sure all things were resolved so their descendants would not have to carry that burden.

Now, 5-10 generations later, we do not do this any more, and we have 5-10 generations of people who have been carrying the burden left unresolved by all who came before them.

This can manifest as self-sabotaging behaviors, brain disorders, hyper-sensitivities, mental illnesses, addictions, phobias and anxieties, feeling constantly thwarted when trying to move forward, and a whole host of uncomfortable or even dangerous energy patterns.

The old ways understood that energy never dies, it is just recycled and transformed; we used to know that things needed to be cleaned up for future generations to live an unburdened life. In our body's ancient DNA, we still know this is true, even if our modern culture does not.

Licia was interviewed by Susun Weed in 2012 and spoke about this shamanic process.

Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions are conducted with 2 meetings: in the first meeting (whether by phone or Skype), Licia interviews you about your concerns in your life, and the ancestral issue you feel is impacting your life. Often the source of the dysfunctional pattern is several generations back, but you do not need to know where it comes, only that it is impacting your life in negative ways.

After the initial interview, Licia goes into deep ceremony for a half-day.  The healing is profound and mystical work, and through her relationships with the Ancestors and her Spirit Helpers, she facilitates healing for you going all the way back to the source of the issue and all the way forward through all of your descendants.  

After the healing ceremony, you and Licia have a review of her findings and follow-up suggestions for your unfettered movement forward into your free life!