Learn the secrets of being in the flow of DIVINE TIMING for HALF OFF! Marrying science and spirit, this teleclass will teach you how to align in the Larger Logic of the universe.

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DIVINE TIMING - Being in the Flow of the Larger Logic 

Our ideas about what we are and what we are capable of lag far behind what the science of the last hundred years has shown us. The latest quantum physics and neuroscience suggest what the ancients already knew…that we are vibrational fields in a sea of vibrational fields, open to all potential. We are dynamic, learning beings with unavoidable power to influence one another and the surrounding world. The time has come to integrate these discoveries into the ways we choose to live our lives!

Have you ever experienced Divine Timing? When it seems all the factors line up and beautiful things happen with seemingly no effort? And you get to enjoy the sensation of grace? It’s SO MUCH FUN!!!

AND, have you experienced the ABSENCE of that sensation of grace, when you toil to create what you want, pray and set intentions, wring your hands...and STILL, you don't get what you want?  Ohhhh, the suffering!

It is the most frustrating thing in the world to create and share your ideas and offer them up, but no one sees them. Or to feel inspiration come to you and to work so hard on “making it happen”, but it just won’t line up.  It can seem like everything you do just falls flat, as if the Universe were against you!

I have experienced the feeling of “butting my head against a brick wall” and wondering “WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???!” (insert wringing of hands here)

AND, I have (in fact my whole family has) experienced the extraordinary miracles that can occur when we cooperate with Divine Timing! 

So, WHY does that happen?

There is actual SCIENCE to explain what the ancient wisdom shows us...the interaction of our intention with the universe does indeed occur, but the manifestation of our hopes and dreams is 95% dependent on Divine Timing.  That’s a HUGE percentage to try to outwit! 

Would you like to learn how to work with Divine Timing? In this ecourse, you will learn:

  • Does it really exist? 
  • What is the evidence of that?
  • Is Divine Timing REALLY 95% of creation?
  • HOW does it work?
  • What’s the difference between being in Divine Timing and NOT being in Divine Timing?
  • HOW can YOU be in AGREEMENT with the Larger Logic and work WITH Divine Timing?
  • Experiential activities to get you in AGREEMENT with the Flow of the Universe!

The Divine Timing eCourse includes:

  • THREE 1-hour Audio Classes in MP3 format
  •        ~The Universe is a Giant Brain
  •        ~How to Test if You are in Divine Timing
  •        ~How to Stay in Divine Timing (when life pulls us off-course)
  • Divine Timing eBook, with images to coincide with audio input, developed for whole-brain learning and maximum potential!

 Join me, Licia Berry, Author, Explorer, Translator, and "Guide to the Frontier Inside".  

I promise it will be FUN and packed with information you’ll wish your high school physics teacher told you!