Hall of Crossed Spheres

This is a 20" x 30" semi-gloss, archival, high resolution print on paper, suitable for framing. For a more durable and ready to hang option, choose a Metal Print.

Metal Print
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Product Description

This image was created using Fractal Math - the math that describes the natural processes and structures of the universe - in Mandelbulb3d. Fractals are self-similar, fractionalized and infinitely repeating. The image above was created in a computer starting with math equations that created a structure. Then the artist explored the structure to find the image structure above. Next, the artist chose colors, lighting, shadows and reflections to create the final image. This print is the only place in the universe that this exists.

For a ready-to-hang work of art, choose the Metal Print option.  This is a glossy, hi resolution print with hanging system that does not require framing.  The print goes completely to the edge, has slightly rounded corners and floats 3/4 of an inch off the wall - a great way to show this art!