Making COLLAGE as Divination Technique! MP3

Join Licia Berry as she teaches her DISCOVERY COLLAGE technique, a whole brain approach to having your biggest questions answered accurately!

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We ALL have questions...BIG QUESTIONS, like:
~Who Am I?
~What is my purpose?
~How can I be more successful, loving, effective, etc. in the world?
~When will I meet my soul mate?
~What can I do to more directly express my soul?
~Should I move to a new geographic location?
~Should I change jobs?
~Is there something going on with my health?
~How can I improve my well-being?
~And others!

How would you like to have the answers to those questions at your fingertips? 
Licia Berry has been teaching her whole-brain collage technique DISCOVERY COLLAGE since 2007. An easy, inexpensive, always available technique to discover answers to our biggest questions! Using simple tools that are around us every day, we can have the guidance we need to live our most fulfilled life! All it takes is using our whole brain!

JOIN US for this FUN, insightful audio MP3! Hands on audio workshop includes making a DISCOVERY COLLAGE and learning how to read it, as well as the science behind how it works!