New Earth Protocol - Full Program

  • Every month for 6 months

BE PART OF BIRTHING THE AQUARIAN ERA THROUGH "THE NEW EARTH PROTOCOL" with LICIA BERRY "Daughters of the New Aquarian Era" (New Earth Protocol Program) with Licia Berry, 2020

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Product Description

  • 6 month program starts June 24, 2020, completes December 21, 2020
  • Weekly New Earth Protocol ™ Deeper Dive Small Group Experience (2 hours weekly, 24 weeks on with holiday weeks off. Value-$66 per week over 6 months = $1584)
  • 2 online mini-Retreats with your PurposeShip ™ colleagues (September and December, 6 hours each, Value $900 EACH =$1800)
  • Three hours of one-on-one facilitation sessions with me (scheduled at your convenience in blocks of 45, 60 or 90 minutes to total 3 hours. Value- 225/hour regular rate=$675)
    • Emergency Tune Ups (urgent, short, and personal, supplement to sessions, totaling 90 minutes over the 6 months. Value- On Call Rate $300/hour =$450.00)
  • Email and text privileges outside of business hours (Value $50/month over 6 months=$250)
  • Full Access to the Daughters of Earth™️ and PurposeShip ™ Libraries (includes all 50+ self-management and leadership courses, interviews with Featured Members, multiple informative video series from our YouTube channel, guided meditations, podcasts and other goodies! Value=$400/month for 6 months=$2400)
  • New Earth Protocol ™ Facebook Group (starts in June 2020) for sisterhood, community and collaboration with international purpose driven-women devoted to Earth’s evolution and the Aquarian Dynamic (Value = $50/month over 6 months=$300)
  • Access to the Daughters of Earth™ Facebook community, for weekly LIVES, regular posts and Energy Updates (Value = $50/month over 6 months=$300)
  • Digital copies of my books (Value= $95)
    • #1 international bestseller I Am Her Daughter - The Healing Path to a Woman's Power, 2016
    • Soul Compost – Transforming Adversity into Spiritual Growth, 2012
    • Love Letter – A Message of Comfort, Self Care and Sanity in Stimulating Times 2008 (digital only)
    • Blue Eyed Indian – the Truth of Ancestral Memory and Experience (upcoming in 2020)
  • TOTAL VALUE = $7854 or $1309/month!