New Year's Rocketship Package-Blast Off for your next cycle!

BOOST your purpose to new heights for this brand new year! Package includes entry into my annual New Year's Collage Retreat, THREE private Sessions, and access to my eCourse LIbrary for the first 3 months of the year! Bring it ON, new year!

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Product Description

BOOST your purpose to new heights for this brand new year! 

Package includes entry into my annual New Year's Collage Retreat, THREE private Sessions, and access to my famed eCourse Library for the first two months of the year! Bring it ON, new year!  

Here's the details!

My annual New Year's Collage Retreat, the toast of the town every year since 2008: 

It's that time of year! Time to take stock, prune back, allow things to die that are not viable, and prepare the field for the seeds of the next cycle. That means planning and quiet, internal time for guidance! This is what I do every end of a intentional about assessing the last period and preparing the ground for my new seeds! 

Join me for my LIVE online New Year's Illumined Collage™ Retreat, utilizing my #WholeBrain collage technique that actually predicts your year and informs your steps! 

3 whole hours of delicious creative PLAY and insight as we translate your collage!  I've been leading this retreat since 2008, and seen literally hundreds of these collages PREDICT the new year every single time!

Gift yourself a delicious day of creative play and soulful visioning to begin your New Year!

Learn more about what your new cycle will bring as you make a map of your year through Licia’s unique, patent-pending Illumined Collage™ process, a way to receive #WholeBrainGuidance that actually predicts your new year!! We will discover the themes in our year as well as set forth our intentions.  


THREE private Sessions: three one-hour sessions to translate your collage, retrieve your guidance and action steps for the year, make an aligned, informed, purposeful divine plan and support you to kick the new year off in high gear!


Access to my famed eCourse Library for January, February and March!

With 50 eCourses to choose from you can learn to:

  • manage your energy,
  • align in your true power and purpose,
  • set intentions that actually work,
  • catch the wave and surf in divine timing,
  • set your sails for abundance and prosperity,
  • create aquarian relationships,
  • heal ancestral trauma,  
  • get to know your Helpers and receive accurate guidance,


The value of this package is priceless (how much does it cost you every year to muck about trying to figure out how to create your best life?)


But you can get it now for just $1297! 

This New Year's Rocketship Package is a limited time offer, only available at the beginning of the year...grab it NOW!