PEMS 1 Home-Study eCourse

A COURSE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR LIFE AS A DIVINE HUMAN. PEMS 1 Basic Energy Mechanics and the Divine Human (8 sessions). Includes 8 recordings and printed course materials.

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Product Description

The PEMS 1 Course includes:

•The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of being human

•The marriage of indigenous, earth based approaches with high spiritual awareness, updated for the modern world

•The balancing of dual energy in your systems (left/right brain, yin/yang energy, feminine/masculine principles and other polarities)

•The necessity of polarity in the physical universe and how to unify them for bliss and complete acceptance

•How you fit in to the larger universe structurally

•The truth of the larger intelligence that runs through All Creation

•The science that supports our energetic intelligence

•The mechanical structure of your energy body, including the multiple systems that keep you alive and happy

•The nature of the dependence of those systems on one another

•How to interact with your energy body and all of its systems to keep it running smoothly through simple observation and intention

•The receiving and expressing aspects of our energy body, and how this relates to what we manifest in abundance

•How to create change in your life in a sustainable way so you do not revert to old patterns

•How to treat yourself with tenderness and self care while feeling strong and sure during this time of intense change on our planet

•ALL concepts are taught experientially…that means you will apply what you learn practically so you can have proof of your energetic make up!

Another in The Empowered Human series from Licia Berry