PEMS 2 Home-Study eCourse

PEMS 2 Access Your Helping Team-Live a Guided, Supported Life (6 sessions)

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Product Description

If you could access the MOST relevant, loving experts to solve ANY problem in your life, or answer ANY question, why wouldn’t you? We have a vast array of high-level intelligence available to us, all of the time. In the Larger Mind, the collective intelligence of All Creation is at our beck and call…all we have to do is connect with it.

PEMS 2 assumes that you are eager to know how to partner with your inner guidance and Higher Helpers, and want to learn how to receive (and act on) accurate guidance and incorporate your Greater Intelligence into your everyday life.

PEMS 2 (6 sessions) includes:

  • The quantum physics behind why we are connected to a Larger Intelligence
  • The neuroscience behind intuition
  • How to recognize the voices of our helpers
  • Introduction to your personal Helping Team
  • Managing self to have a clear field
  • Neutrality-Attachment/fear/belief/aversion –the projections of the mind and the interference of personal stuff with receiving accurate guidance
  • Relationship with your Team (who are they? Horizontal and Vertical help)
  • Asking for messages
  • The different kinds of guidance (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual)
  • Getting accurate guidance and how to test yourself
  • How to ask the “right” questions
  • Why gathering information is not enough…the need to act
  • Asking for help to manifest
  • The power of Intention and how to set them
  • How Licia and her family put this knowledge to the test

Another in The Empowered Human series from Licia Berry