PEMS 3 Home-Study eCourse

The Empowered Human : PEMS 3 "Setting Intentions that Manifest" Home Study eCourse (4 sessions). Create your most fulfilled life experience!

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Product Description

DO you wonder:

•How can I steer this ship of my life? Why does it feel like I am sometimes drifting with the tide?

•How can I move on from my past?

•Why do intentions work?

•How do I know which intentions to set?

•Why do some of my intentions work and some don’t?

•Why does it seem like something is stopping me?

•How do I stop sabotaging myself?

•How can I feel the support of the universe?

•How do I harness my true creative power?

PEMS 3 includes:

•How to align in your True Power

•How to discern when an intention is in agreement with your greatest good

•How to ask for the help of All Creation to support you in your intention for miraculous manifestation

•How to attain one of the most basic (yet most elusive) building blocks of a successful life…Agreement

•How to work with all of your parts in alignment so that you are moving forward in concert

•How to deal with resistance, the opposite of Agreement

•Self Sabotage, even when your intentions are solid

•Introduction to your Inner Tribe ™

•All handouts and 4 MP3 recordings

Another in The Empowered Human series from Licia Berry