Power Totem Package

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Product Description

Collection on studio wall

I create these unique Taliswomen to help you remember your Strengths, your Special Powers, and the supports you have available in your life.  We frequently get caught in the daily minutiae and forget who we REALLY are, deep on the inside.  My Power Totems are designed to remind you of the Big Picture and the Truth of Who You Are.  Each Power Totem is different, unique to the woman who requests it.  Sometimes there is a native influence, sometimes angelic, sometimes goddess-like.  Sometimes we see purpose, sometimes we see animal helpers, sometimes we see Original Design.  Always, Power Totems reflect our strengths, wisdom and grace.

Lora Lee Davids commission 2014-2     Four Corners      Maxine Jones Commission TRUTH 2014

How does the process of creating your unique Power Totem work?

We start with your first session, where I listen deeply to you describe your life and where you are in your journey.  I ask you some key questions to understand special preferences that you may have about your Power totem, such as colors, objects, feelings.

Then I create your Power Totem, in partnership with Spirit, in my studio.  I listen deeply as I am guided to the images that want to support you in your quest.  I lovingly create your Taliswoman with my hands, scissors, glue, paint, drawing tools, feathers, beads and gemstones, fabric, or seeds.  Your Power Totem is a true mixed media piece of art, suitable for hanging on your wall or placement upon your special space or altar.  I mail it to you, wrapped in love and fluff to keep it safe as it makes its way to you, sure as a shooting star.

Then, we have your second session, when I present your Power Totem to you.  I personally (whether by phone, Skype or in-person) explain the meaning and symbolism of the images that were chosen for your piece.  We go over the messages and the story that the Power Totem tells about you.  It can be an emotional experience.  It will be like looking at the most beautiful picture of yourself, the Truth of your divinity.  The messages will astound and delight you as you remember the Truth of You.  It is an uplifting remembrance and a joyous, deeply satisfying experience.

Alice Walker, feminist author and beautiful soul, receiving her Power Totem at Ghost Ranch, 2014 

Alice Walker, feminist author and beautiful soul, receiving her Power Totem at Ghost Ranch, 2014

Gloria Steinem, feminist author and beautiful spirit,  receiving her POWER TOTEM, Ghost ranch 2014

Gloria Steinem, feminist author and beautiful spirit, receiving her POWER TOTEM, Ghost ranch 2014

When you and your Power Totem are united, you will be delighted at what you see and learn about yourself!

It’s my honor and privilege to create this Taliswoman just for you, from my heart and hands to yours.  xo Licia Berry

Licia in the studio 2014