Sacred Systems (tm) eCourse - Whole Brain, Yin/Yang Model of Partnership

In this e-course, you will learn the basic tenets of the whole brain, feminine/masculine, yin/yang model that has changed hundreds of lives. 8 MP3 audio sessions and ebook delivered to your device. (Also called PEMS 5)

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Product Description

Sacred Systems ™ is a body of work examining power, growth and relationship, applicable to all organisms, based in respect, partnership and wholeness, given to and developed by Licia & Peter Berry over 3 decades.  Sacred Systems is applied in self leadership, marriage, family, business, group and organization.  

 In this e-course, you will learn the basic tenets of the whole brain, feminine/masculine, yin/yang model that has changed hundreds of lives.    

The two most basic energies (not genders) of our physical universe, the Yin and the Yang, or the Feminine and the Masculine Principles, have been in fluctuation for many thousands of years, originally working together and then moving further apart so that we could experience separation, taking our consciousness as far as the frontier could go.

Now, they are coming back together, and the implications are staggering. In every area of our lives…business, relationships, purpose and direction, health, family…EVERYTHING…is changing as this balancing act ensues.

One of the great mysteries has been “After all of these eons of separation, what will it look like when the masculine and feminine energies are actually working TOGETHER?”

The answer lay in this simple concept: as we balance internally, so the world balances. The place to begin is INSIDE. As we learn to partner our own Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine, we stand in confidence, grace, joy and purpose, and effective Divine Human in this world. JOIN US in the Wedding of the Age!!!

You will learn:

•how we got to the unpartnered state we see in the world and WHY it was important for our evolution

•how to recognize when your inner Feminine and Masculine are working against each other

•what the “Aquarian Dynamic” is and why it describes the universal shift we are all experiencing right NOW

•the 8 qualities of the Partnered Feminine

•the 8 qualities of the Partnered Masculine

•what the seamless Partnership looks like (and what it doesn’t)

•how to bring your inner Feminine and Inner Masculine into grace and wedded bliss for peace, joy and success in EVERY AREA of your life

(formerly PEMS 5 - in the Empowered Human Series from Licia Berry)