SoulPrint™ Deeper Dive 3-Session Package

4 hours of juicy personal contact to get you on target, on point and on-purpose in your wildly creative, joyful, juicy life!

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Product Description

SoulPrint™ Session with Licia Berry (120 minutes- can be purchased separately)

AND TWO (60 minute) follow-up sessions to make the best use of your Blueprint information by applying it to your life and work.

That's four hours of juicy personal contact to get you on target, on point and on-purpose in your wildly creative, joyful, juicy life!


  • What a SoulPrint™ IS
  • Your unique Soul Traits (yin/yang orientation, archangelic and angelic devotions, ascended master and ancestral lineages, guides and teachers, earth/nature imprints and spirit helpers)
  • Explanation of each of your Soul Traits
  • How to utilize your SoulPrint™ -
    • the answers to specific questions about your blueprint
    • specific support for your blueprint,
    • the percentage you are in (and out of) integrity with your blueprint,
    • and what factors may be affecting the authentic expression of your blueprint