SoulPrint™ Package

This is the ultimate package for discovering your unique soul purpose, getting into alignment with your purpose and clearing anything in the way.

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Product Description

Your SoulPrint™ Package includes 10 hours of one-on-one time including:

1. SoulPrint™  Session with Licia Berry - This 3 hour, power-packed, recorded Zoom session will ILLUMINATE who you REALLY ARE!  Know your SoulPrint™ Map, the architectural blueprint of your soul which reveals your 

  • yin/yang orientation,
  • archangelic and angelic devotions,
  • archetypes
  • the body of work that seeks to be born through you
  • teachers and guides
  • collective lineages
  • ancestral lineages
  • earth/nature imprints and spirit helpers
  • the benevolent beings who are here to support your expression, or purpose

Other 7 hours of session time includes:

2. Align-O-MeterWhat is the percentage of your alignment with your Soul's Purpose? Not only will you receive the number, but this session will help you to identify the ways that you are out of alignment, as well as tools and strategies to STAY in alignment.

3. Steering your PurposeShip™Identify areas of partnered and un-partnered energies in you solar and lunar aspects

4. Inner Partnership ProcessMeasurement of the gaps in partnership in overall Feminine and Masculine energies, which affects your impact in the world and your enjoyment and satisfaction in your life!

5. Healing modalities applied to turning you towards the expression of your purpose in a joyful and easy, relaxed way!

AND three powerful BONUSES:

1. The SoulPrint (tm) eCourse -  A course that will change your understanding of your life as a Divine Human. 
 2. The PEMS 1 eCourse - A course that shows you how to interact with your life as a Divine Human.  Includes 8 recordings and printed course materials.

And the BEST powerful Bonus! 

3. A Healing session with Licia and her husband, Visionary Healer Peter Berry - What is a Visionary Healing Session?  Think of it as a guided meditation specific to you and whatever needs to be addressed in your energy field. Accessing non-ordinary reality with the cooperation of All Creation, visionary healer Peter Berry takes you on a journey deep in your inner world using light, sound, location and non-physical helpers.  Directed by unseen helpers, Peter weaves an experience that is soothing, relaxing, mysterious and sacred.   This is gentle yet profound healing that works at deep levels.  Your healing session will be recorded and sent to you as an audio recording that you can listen to any time.