Your VIP deep dive into your greatest Self with expert personal attention, support and guidance from Licia Berry, Medicine Keeper. You choose your focus, beautiful natural location, and length of retreat!

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Do you feel the calling of your soul?  Do you long to express your unique voice and have it heard in the world?

Perhaps a Vision Quest Retreat is in order!

We are unique in our roles in service to the world, but so many of us are thrown into confusion by our parents, our schools, and our culture in general.  They may have had our best interests in mind, but we alone must discover our purpose.  Now is the time, more than ever before.


Many of us are feeling the call right now to hone in on our unique purpose, our authentic expression, and our truest voice.  Have you noticed the state of the world?  There isn’t time to try being someone else…we must own our role in All Creation.

My experience is that when we are inhabiting and expressing our purpose, we experience:

  • Joy
  • Firm Ground under our Feet
  • Satisfaction
  • Success!

My name is Licia Berry (pronounced LEE-sha), and I support powerful woman and men Cultural Creatives in claiming their unique voice and purpose through Vision Quests.

I take you to a beautiful natural location for a period of time (you get to decide how long, from 1-6 days) to step into an experience of your original design or blueprint, your spiritual support, and the joy and satisfaction of being on-purpose. We go to oceanfront homes, mountain retreat cabins and desert ranch locations, each according to the landscape that is most supportive of your process. When you emerge from the Vision Quest, you are connected with your unique role in the world. It’s my great honor to do this work!


I didn’t know what I was getting to when I signed up for my Vision Quest with Licia Berry. I knew that something in my soul had not been right. I felt I needed more support and guidance with my writing, but I had no idea what that would look or feel like.

In the daily grind of work-to-live and the chaos of technology and media, I had stopped hearing my own voice. My world demanded a constant do-and-do-and-do, and allowed little time for stillness, thought, and reflection—all requirements for meaningful writing. In that endless turmoil, my message and my purpose had become mislaid. I had forgotten who I am and the gifts I have to share. This is an intolerable sort of existence for a creative—for all seekers of meaning and purpose.

Licia created a safe and protected space for me to re-engage with my heart, to explore my ancestral wisdom and identify my helpers. Foremost, this experience reminded me that I do not walk this journey alone and that everything—everything!—that I need to be my best self is provided for me, around me, and within me. I have simply to pay attention, to develop and trust my intuition, to claim and to hear that powerful voice inside who knows that I am a spectacular being.

Every author needs to experience a Vision Quest with Licia. I am an advocate of writing retreats for the container they provide for creative time. Well now, I can add the Vision Quest—a very different kind of retreat—to my recommendations for authors as a space where they can engage deeply with their purest essence and reconnect to the heart and soul within their work.

The Vision Quest experience is unmatched, and has changed my way of being in this world forever.   AHO!         ~~ Gina Hogan Edwards, Editor, Creativity Coach, Author


LIFE IS SMART.  Spirituality dictates that we believe in something larger than ourselves that gives us indications of how best to live.  Well, do you want to listen to the wisdom of the universe?  OR, do you want to keep doing it all on your own?  Are you ready for the love and support you crave and thirst for?

“…the center of the Earth vibrates and sends “messages” from the “heart” or core of the planet. Great Mother taught me that Earth is intelligent and that the planet is evolving, just as we are. The throes of developmental process that this larger intelligence goes through are experienced by us as extensions of the planet. Human beings, as well as every other speck of life on this “rock” we call home, are intimately connected with Earth’s evolution and are deeply impacted by everything that happens to the intelligence of this planet.”

 -From my 2016 best-seller I Am Her Daughter ~ The Healing Path to a Woman’s Power,

Through my professional training as an educator, leader, mentor, and medicine keeper (and 50+ years of personal practice), I know…You are the source of the expression of your life.  

It is at the level of the source that things begin to change, a ripple effect that reaches everything your life touches.  We are psycho-spiritual-social-physical-emotional-mental beings.  By integrating our brain, our heart, our belly, and our planet into our daily machinations, we integrate the greatest potential of our fulfilled life.


Vision Quests are the answer to confusion about who we are and what we do…as I teach in my eCourse The Frontier Inside.  We are supported when we surrender to the wisdom of the Creator and choose to come into the fold of All Creation’s mandates.  An old, old tradition of taking ourselves away from regular daily life in order to listen deeply to the voice of All Creation, we emerge from Vision Quest with a clear understanding of how to serve our people.

“I am honored to share my testimonial about the amazing opportunities I have had working with Licia Berry.  From the first time I met her, I was drawn to her balance of the seen and the unseen worlds.  Such a delightful change from many teachers and mentors, who are either entranced with the domain of the unseen spaces or rooted only in the sciences and the world we can touch.  Licia seamlessly blends them together and made it possible for me to experience walking in both worlds while not losing sight of my day to day life.

     My last work with Licia was a private Vision Quest, held in a quaint house in the north Florida forests, overlooking a beautiful river from the first moment, I felt safe and supported, even when traveling interior vistas I have previously not experienced. The ceremonial and sacred feelings started the first moment and continued until the final moments of our closing ceremony.

     I left this experience knowing I had healed many old wounds that were keeping me from using my strengths and talents to their fullest.  I recognized hidden gifts, and experienced the knowing that I could securely step forward and offer what I found within myself to the world.

     Know that when you place yourself in the caring, compassionate, and capable hands of Licia Berry, you will return to your life transformed!  You may find you are ready to live your life filled with the certainty that you are strong and capable, and ready to be the change you wish to see in the world.”

~Morgan deCasenave-Patterson, author 

I am blessed because I have been going on Vision Quest for decades, and I know the benefits of this important choice.  I consider Vision Quest a part of my spiritual practice every year; it keeps me clear, focused, and direct in my walk in the world, personally and professionally.

I facilitate private 1-6 day Vision Quests in powerful natural locations to work with Nature’s energy to support the Vision Questor’s goal. Bringing together all of my medicine and years of experience and training, I midwife women (and a few men) who have powerful purposes into their voices, their mission, and their actualized life.

Do you feel the calling of your soul?  Do you long to express your unique voice and have it heard in the world?  Join me for an experience that will change your life!


Winter 2017, Spring 2017, Summer 2017

Pricing for VIP Vision Quests is per situation. Once we determine your location and the duration of your quest, I will give you a quote.  Please inquire by emailing me or calling to see if a Vision Quest Retreat is right for you!