Virtual Sales Manager Service

  • Every month for 12 months

Virtual Sales Manager Service for companies with Sales Teams of 4 or fewer Sales Professionals.

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Product Description

If you have a small sales team and need your hands free while growing your your revenue, this is a great solution!  Keep your focus on managing your business and let Peter Berry keep the sales growing in effectiveness on track.  


You may be one of the small business owners I have spoken with over the last 20 years who does not have the time to manage a sales team or the money to hire a high-priced sales manager.  What if there were a way you could hand off sales management of your team and get improved results, more professional sales people, more loyal customers and a pipeline and forecast you could rely on?  How would that impact your business?


How can I do this?  I have over 20 years experience in sales and 15 years in sales management in a multi-team environment.  Using simple technology, I implement and manage a consistent and effective training process and a hands-on from a distance approach which maximizes your team's time. 


  • Weekly Sales Meetings, 75 minutes, with
    • Sales Training - using Peter's Advanced Sales Dyanamics training which builds strong sales skills, increased confidence, higher profit margins and advanced selling and customer management techniques.
    • Deal Summaries - going through current deals with each sales person and identifying strategies to close the business quickly with maximum profit.
    • Updated Forecasts - analyzing the current pipeline and updating the forecast with each team member
    • email support for the sales team with SOS calls for emergency strategy meetings
  • Owner Reporting to include
    • Activity Levels - weekly and monthly
    • Pipeline - monthly
    • Forecast - monthly with weekly updates
    • Sales Staff evaluation - Monthly scored evaluation of sales skills, product knowledge, effective activity levels and attitude


What can this service do for your business? 

  • Increase your sales and your profit margins.
  • Give you access to a seasoned, professional sales manager for a fraction of the cost. 
  • Train and Empower your sales team to success. 
  • Build longevity with your great salespeople, and identify and replace ineffective ones
  • Build long-term partnerships with your customers and client, increasing your client retention and recurring sales