Visionary Healing Session

Experience healing in a soothing guided meditation. Visionary Healer Peter Berry works with All Creation to assist you in the ways that your helpers direct him.

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Product Description

Gentle and Transformative Healing

What is a Visionary Healing Session? 

Think of it as a guided meditation specific to you and whatever needs to be addressed in your energy field. Accessing non-ordinary reality with the cooperation of All Creation, visionary healer Peter Berry takes you on a journey deep in your inner world using light, sound, location and non-physical helpers.  Sometimes dramatic, other times quiet and wistful, you will be transported into experiences that heal your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  Directed by the helpers with assistance from your guides and higher self, Peter weaves an experience that is soothing, relaxing, mysterious and sacred.  

This is gentle yet profound healing that works at deep levels.  Your only requirement is that you are able to lay down for the session in a quiet place without distraction.  Your healing session can be done in person, by Zoom, or by phone - distance is not an issue.  The session will take about one hour, will be recorded, and sent to you as an audio recording that you can listen to any time.

Special Introductory Pricing of $200.